Think back to 2018 and the widespread coverage of the situation concerning Facebook, Cambridge Analytica and alleged US election interference.
To give individual users more confidence about using the platform, Facebook stopped all automated posts from appearing on personal profile NewsFeeds from August 1st this year.
As a result, RateMyAgent’s Social Media Manager – which schedules your reviews, listings and sales for automated distribution through Facebook – is no longer posting to the NewsFeed on your personal Facebook profile. Though it is still posting to your Business Pages.
“You can achieve far more effective social media marketing with a business page“
Facebook businesses use two kinds of accounts: personal profiles, and business pages. Although you need a personal profile to set up a business page, personal profiles don’t have much functionality from a branding perspective. You can achieve far more effective social media marketing with a business page.
Most of you will already be using a business page and scheduling your reviews, listings and sales through Social Media Manager.
All you need to do is log into your RateMyAgent profile and check your Social Media Manager settings to make sure that you’re posting from your business page and not your personal profile. Then you’re all set to continue reaping the benefits of ‘set and forget’ scheduling and a consistent presence in your target market.
Some of you will also be using a Facebook Business Manager account. This acts as a central platform to manage multiple business pages under one roof. A very useful tool for an agency to manage it’s own business page and the business pages of the agent team. However you don’t need a Facebook Business Manager account to use RateMyAgent’s Social Media Manager – just a business page.
No problem! If you’ve been using Social Media Manager through your personal profile page and don’t yet have a business page, now is the perfect opportunity to set one up – and take advantage of a far more effective marketing platform.
As well as giving you continued access to Social Media Manager, a Facebook Business Page:
Remember: it costs nothing to set up a Facebook Business Page, or a Business Manager account. You’ll have more control over your Facebook business activities, and more tools to broaden your social media reach – while continuing to harness the benefits of RateMyAgent’s Social Media Manager to schedule your reviews, listings and sales for automated distribution at the times people most want to see them.
Setting up a Facebook Business Page is simple – here’s how.
You can also see the full suite of guides to our Social Media Manager here.
And remember: if you have any questions, our friendly team at RateMyAgent is always here to help.
Suggested reads:
Social Media Manager makes you an instant expert at all things social
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