You know that social media is a fantastic way to stay front-of-mind with existing and potential clients – but with the sheer volume of content that flows through Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, when are your posts are most likely to cut through?
The annual Sensis Social Media report is a simple way to keep abreast of trends in consumers’ social media use. The 2018 report surveyed hundreds of Australian consumers to gauge how they use social media, and how this has changed over time.
“In Australia, 96% of 30–39-year-olds and 86% of 40–49-year-olds use social media.”
The report found that 79 per cent of Australian consumers now use social media – up 10 points on the previous year. The biggest increases are among 30–39-year-olds (up 14 points to 96 per cent) and 40–49-year-olds (up 16 points to 86 per cent).
Since many people in these age groups are buying their first home, upsizing and/or buying investment property, it makes sense that they would want to see evidence of your activity through social media.
Facebook is by far the most popular social media platform, used by 95 per cent of consumers who access social media. Twitter is less popular, but usage has risen substantially, from 19 per cent to 32 per cent.
LinkedIn is used by 18 per cent, but is a platform targeted specifically at working professionals, so this figure is actually quite respectable.
Photo: Sensis Social Media Report
Mobility, frequency, timing
What’s more, the devices consumers use to access social media are all about mobility – in keeping with their busy lifestyles. More than 80 per cent of Australians now prefer to use their smartphones for social media, compared with 30 per cent for laptops, 28 per cent for desktops, and 25 per cent for tablets.
Consumers are also using social media more often. Almost 60 per cent use it daily (up from 50 per cent), while 35 per cent use it more than five times a day (up from 26 per cent).
In what appears to reflect the pattern of many Australians’ workdays, the Sensis report found that the most popular times to access social media are the evening (71 per cent), first thing in the morning (57 per cent), and lunchtime/other breaks (47 per cent).
When it comes to Facebook specifically, data cited by Visual Marketing Australia show a distinct difference in usage rates between the beginning and end of the week. Engagement rises by 18 percent on Thursdays and Fridays compared with Mondays to Wednesdays. On weekends, engagement more than doubles.
“The most popular times to access social media are the evening (71 per cent), first thing in the morning (57 per cent), and lunchtime/other breaks (47 per cent).”
<Social media channels in general>
Given that the most popular times for accessing social media are evening, first thing, and lunchtime/breaks, it makes sense to schedule your posts so they reach people during those times.
<Facebook specifically>
If you want to focus on Facebook for distributing your real estate posts, Visual Marketing Australia recommends posting content at the end of the week. Schedule it for 1 pm to increase the chances that people will share your posts. Scheduling it for 3 pm may give you a better click-through rate. On weekends, the most effective timeslot is midday–1 pm.
If the task of scheduling and pushing out social media content sounds daunting, there’s a simple solution.
Our automated Social Media Manager tool collects all your interactions with – listings, sales, client reviews – and distributes them as posts through your choice of Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn. Just schedule the times you want the posts to go out, and let Social Media Manager take care of the rest!
Not a subscriber? Explore the capabilities of Social Media Manager.
Read more:
Social Media Manager helps you win listings
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