RateMyAgent has over 590,000 reviews on the site. A massive indication that agents in Australia are doing some great work, and getting recognition for it too.
The RMA Score and Agent of the Year Awards are both hugely influenced by the consistency at which agents request and receive reviews.
Every review you get boosts your RMA Score and agents have been asking us how to chase missing reviews from previous sales where your vendor may not have gotten around to submitting their feedback.
Vendors want to review you
As an example 2018 saw over 157,000 reviews posted to RateMyAgent, so it’s safe to say that the majority of vendors are more than willing to jump online and leave you feedback on the site, even a few months after their sale or purchase has taken place. Of course, not every vendor you work with will leave a review, but that doesn’t mean most won’t.
“The majority of vendors are more than willing to jump online and leave you feedback on RateMyAgent, even a few months after their sale or purchase has taken place.“
Locking in missing reviews can be easier than you think, and from the results we see, many vendors are more than happy to give you feedback when reminded, even if it’s months after their sale was completed.
Below are five tips to help you get going.
After their sale, did you tell your vendor that you’d be sending them a review request, and why it was important? When a vendor understands that their feedback matters to you and that you value their time and input, they’re more likely to take five minutes to write you a review.
Your vendor may have one email for admin and sales documents, and one for everyday tasks. It could be that the review request is going to an address they don’t often check. Give them a call to check their email and resend a request.
For vendors you haven’t contacted for over six months, this is also a subtle way to get back in touch and see where they’re at in their property journey; (with any luck they could be looking to invest or sell another property!)
Most people receive a lot of emails, and often ignore half of them! Make sure your vendor knows that an email from you with RateMyAgent on it is asking for their feedback, and requires 5 – 10 minutes of their time, tops. This will help the vendor look out for the email.
Make sure they know they don’t need to write a lot. Even a few words can help showcase their experience.
Did you know that you can personalise your review requests? Why not add a personal note to your vendor to let them know this is a specific request for them.
Simply log into your dashboard and head to ‘Reviews’. Then go to ‘Get Reviews’ for any properties which haven’t yet been reviewed. These properties are displayed as ‘Review Opportunities.’
The standard email template will show up with pre-filled copy, but you can also personalise the email here.
It’s worth checking if the reviews are coming in from your existing requests. To do this, simply log into your dashboard and head to ‘Reviews’. Here you can select ‘Pending Reviews’.
You’ll now see which reviews have been requested but not completed. You can re-request these reviews to give your customers a polite reminder. Try personalising the email that goes with the reminder.
The RMA Score and Agent of the Year Awards are both hugely influenced by the consistency at which agents request and receive reviews.
This means that locking in your missing reviews is time well spent, especially if you’re looking to boost your digital marketing profile.
Read more: The RMA Score explained
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